Analysis and development of organizational culture

Alma Talent’s CEO Juha-Petri Loimovuori explains how positive the situation was right from the beginning: “Alma Media has been a part owner of Talentum for 15 years and we had been in the same market for a minority position. The good thing was that we knew each other well, both human and business, and we prompted each other. But the challenge in merging is always the possibility of a malicious sullenness to grow up. In particular, the successful consolidation of deliveries was at the center of the design phase, says Loimovuori.

It was necessary to reach the path of a unified corporate culture and build a well-functioning, new management team by the end of 2016. The cut-off of overlapping operations began in February from the top line, and later in the spring, a whole organization revision was carried out. At the same time a management model and a new management team were formed for the new company.

At this point, we came up with the idea that we also needed external expertise to direct our operations, to bring corporate cultures together and to spy on management teamwork. We interviewed a few alternative actors and chose Delficon, who works briskly and has special skills in creating a performance-based culture and merging projects.

What was done?

Delficon implemented Alma Talent’s business culture mapping and analyzed the starting point. The survey was conducted for all business areas through personal interviews and online surveys. The study showed that Alma’s and Talentum’s corporate cultures were very similar, but on the other hand, the research showed that different business areas were their own “sub-cultures” that differed from each other. This information helps us focus on development measures.

In the management team work, we wanted to ensure that we would save all the best of both companies and harmonize their operations. Personal management plays a key role when strategy and plans are put into practice. It is ultimately the result of successful cooperation between people and how they work in everyday life.

Results and benefits

Delficon has taken care of their part sharp and well. Everything was done in a very tight schedule. A couple of half-day coaching, interviews and feedback were able in a short time a lot of additional information, as well as the clarity of the lead roles of group members. The process with Delficon was useful and it is now easy to carry on this process forward.



Alma Talent is part of Alma Media Group. Alma Talent publishes digital and printed media and media content as well as books, as well as providing events, training and information services to professionals and businesses in various fields. In the autumn of 2015, Alma Media purchased an exchange offer for Talentum’s entire share capital. A new business unit, Alma Talent, was created and started off in early 2016.


Leijona Catering

Leijona Catering

"The analysis provided an excellent picture of the current state of Leijona Catering with its strengths and areas for development. The lively and honest discussion of the Leijona's current culture during the review of the results was very useful throughout the process."



"With the help of a coaching partner who knows culture and staff, personnel development has really changed operating models and built genuine renewal."